Monday, January 9, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note Radio! Recording Facility!

Imagine you are listening to your favorite program on the FM RADIO on the Samsung Galaxy Note!

This mean machine called The Samsung Galaxy Note actually lets you RECORD a program!

Just hit that RECORD button on your Samsung Galaxy Note at the top left hand corner highlighted in A YELLOW SQUARE for you!

Like many Samsung phones, the Samsung Galaxy Note records your program in a .3ga format.
These files are stored on the Samsung Galaxy Note in a folder called FMRADIO.

But you would want your program in the mp3 format right so that you can play it in your car system or even on your laptop! How does one do that? Fear not! Help is at your fingertips on this blog!

You can convert the 3ga files to mp3 very easily in FIVE EASY STEPS!

1. Copy the 3ga files from your Samsung Galaxy Note to your computer.
2. RENAME the files from .3ga to .3gp
(This is only to help us convert!)
3. Download & Install a FREE SOFTWARE called 3GP to MP3 Converter which is originally developed by Shiver Software. (The ones who made the famous FREEWARE called mp3 cutter!) You can download it from the trusted CNET site here
4. Power up 3GP to MP3 Converter! It will look like this!

5. Add the 3gp files which you have renamed to 3gp from 3ga!
Select the folder where you want to save the mp3 files and also name them something like MY Favorite Program.mp3

AND CLICK CONVERT! That is it! Your mp3 files are ready to be transported to any device of your choice including the Samsung Galaxy Note! If you actually want to cut the mp3 files you can use the mp3 cutter as well!

Enjoy the music and also record it on the Samsung Galaxy Note

Samsung Galaxy Note India

This blog is dedicated to the The Samsung Galaxy Note.

The Samsung Galaxy Note is becoming one of the most popular mobile phones in India.

You would find ways to get the best from your Samsung Galaxy Note here, so stay tuned regularly and do add your comments! Here we go!

Now we are assuming that you are new to the Samsung Galaxy Note as well as new to Android so many of the tips here would be for this COMBINATION of the Samsung Galaxy Note and the Android! To know more about Android we recommend that you visit these two sites:

1. The Official Android Web Site

2. The Android Market where you can download thousands of applications many of them for FREE!